When you bike across the country naturally your write a book about it called LAUNCHING YOUR DREAMS: Making WILD Ideas Happen. Meet book author Donna Price.
She also created a Facebook page BikeWomenBike to help bring women together to ride bikes. Here's her story

YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/NbmDXYloV1U
JOIN her Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/387941026603759;
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bikewomenbike;
Donna is a business coach with a love of cycling and started a website, FB group and Instagram -- BikeWomenBike a couple of years ago for a couple of reasons. One, she worked primarily from home and wanted people to ride with. I
She found that many of the women she was talking to, hadn't ridden their bikes in a long time and were worried about it.  BikeWomenBike is a work in progress for sure.  And in its infancy. Donna loves the feel of her bike, the mystery of the next vista and the lure of what is ahead. She started following several podcasts, joined groups and bought a gravel bike, started riding events and races (party in the back!). She knows that cycling has changed her life, several times, from riding across the country in the 90's to riding with our kids and now, riding as often as possible. She is so excited by what she sees in cycling.  There are so many ways that cycling is impacting people, communities, and businesses....  Her book: Launching Your Dreams: Making WILD Ideas Happen -- is about the process she used to take a wild idea of biking across the country, finding a sponsor for the ride and then biking 4500 miles.  It has a bike log, about the journey and a business log, about how you can use the same process for creating a business...
Purchase here: https://amzn.to/3IqJjct

8wk WINTER Cycling Skills Training program - Couple spots available.
The fee is pro-rated for the remaining weeks, based on when you joined.

YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/TtUtrrkWSKo
Instagram: Podcast https://www.instagram.com/secretsfromthesaddlepodcast/
FOLLOW the host Sylvie D'Aoust
Best Selling Author Book Collaborative: Soul Parent https://amzn.to/3ZiyRv3

Youtube: Sylvie D'Aoust https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl1KK69YjMMKtO9yW6LtXnA
TIKTOK: Sylvie D'Aoust https://www.tiktok.com/@sylviedaoust_cyclist

8wk WINTER Cycling Skills Training program
The fee is pro-rated for the remaining weeks, based on when you joined.

Subscribe and never miss an episode: https://www.secretsfromthesaddlepodcast.ca
Join the FB community https://www.facebook.com/groups/457137678000433

2024 Online Winter Cycling Training Program https://www.cyclingskillspro.com

Don't FORGET to Follow the HOST Sylvie D'Aoust at