Our guest today was born an entrepreneur. But didn't realize it until she was 45 years old when she took the leap and bought a failing business in an industry she knew nothing about and turned it around into a profitable venture with her daughter as her partner.

Since that time, Karen Kobussen has started 3 other businesses, with failures and mistakes just as common as the wins and successes, which has made for a wild roller coaster ride on her entrepreneurial journey!

It was also during this time that she realized a family member had a serious substance use problem, and she became a vocal advocate for evidence based resources that support families to move from helplessness and hopelessness, to understanding and empathy through kindness, compassion and science.

Through sheer determination, a handful of 'ignorant bliss' and a massive amount of willpower and fortitude, Karen creates opportunity in every moment, and tackles her life and business challenges head on... with both the wins and losses contributing to her personal growth and her humble nature.

Connect with Karen at...

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://canball.ca/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karen.kobussen

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kkobussen/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KarenKobussen


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