Tune in to learn more about Mark Heise, President of Rebellion Brewing, a local craft brewer in western Canada. Rebellion Brewing's tagline, "Be a rebel; drink great beer" says everything you need to know about the brewery and their product. It's just damn good beer from seasonal hops to gluten-free lentil options and a traditional pilsner.

Imagine sitting on your coach one Saturday night, likely after a few too many wobbly pops, and deciding to take on the national brewers. The big guys. With big budgets. That's exactly what Mark and his partners did; take on the big guys.

A few years later, Mark can look back with a silly grin and say, 'yup, we did it.' Rebellion Brewing jumped into the marketplace at a time when craft brewing was attracting customers in droves.

And that's just the beginning of their story. Suffice to say western Canada has a lot of rebels.

Connect with Mark @ Rebellion Brewing


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rebellionbrewingco

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkTheBrewer

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-heise-60bb70169/


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