The fifth installment in Secrest Wardle's 2018 Premises Liability Webinar series provides an updated analysis regarding when, and under what circumstances, your insureds owe indemnification; when you should tender the defense; when you should and should not accept the tender; and when you should defer those decisions strategically.

Hosted by: Matthew J. Consolo
Secrest Wardle, Troy

If you are not already on our distribution list, to receive invitations to register for the Premises Liability webinars correlating to our podcasts, please email Marketing Assistant Sandie Vertel, at [email protected].

The updated 2018 Secrest Wardle Premises Liability Handbook is now available. The Handbook provides a comprehensive review of each topic discussed in our 2018 Premises Liability series. If you are interested in obtaining an electronic or printed copy, please contact Marketing Assistant Sandie Vertel, to specify your preference.