Case Law Update
•                  Central Home Health Care Servs Inc v Progressive Mich Ins Co, ___ Mich App ___; ___ NW2d ___ (Docket No. 364653)

•                 Bakeman v Citizens Insurance Company of the Midwest, ___ Mich App ___ (2022) (Docket No. 357195)


•                  Ronnie Fields, et al. v National General Insurance Company, et al., unpublished per curiam opinion of the Court of Appeals, issued August 17, 2023 (Docket No. 361959)

Trending Topics in PIP Litigation
•            Impact of the Latest Changes to the One-Year-Back Rule of MCL 500.3145


Hosted by:

Amber Rouse Holloway, Partner
Secrest Wardle, Troy

Kaitlynn M. Milroy, Partner
Secrest Wardle, Troy