We have a guest speaker at Second Presbyterian Church for today's services - the multi-talented MaryAnn McKibben Dana! When Moses brought down the laws from Mount Sinai, it can feel like a New Year's ball-drop might as well come down with him. The laws of God are an inspiration for us to seek goodness in our lives, but they can be as impossible for us limited humans to follow as those New Year's resolutions we always break before February. Rev. MaryAnn describes how all these things we are called - and desire - to do are so often interrupted by life's curveballs, they can be overwhelming. But if we step back, we can reframe those obstacles and speed bumps in life as opportunities to rehearse what our responses to this world's needs can become. Whether these ordinary opportunities are found when we're sitting in our house, talking to our children or walking, or they're found on our doorposts, tied around our hands or written on our hearts, each moment calls us to find joy in building a habit of expressing how we follow and trust in God. That way, wherever our lives reach out to the world - even if it's only the 3 feet just around us - we can bring the law of God to fruition in love. (Bible reading - Deuteronomy 5:1-4; 6:4-9)

Learn all about MaryAnn McKibben Dana's work as author, speaker and improv artist at her excellent blog! You can order her latest book, "God, Improv, and the Art of Living" from IndieBound, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble! Are you looking for a personal or running coach? MaryAnn does that too! See more at this link!