There's a saying: "A cook is only as good as the ingredients." If the essentials for a good recipe aren't there from the beginning, then the cook cannot make what's needed. As Rev. Amy describes today, whether it's cooking without sugar, building a house without a foundation, or trying to follow the law of God without knowing the love of God, we cannot succeed without the basics. When Jesus disputed with the scribes of the Temple, he didn't argue about burnt offerings or how to meticulously perform sacrifices. He spoke of love - love for God and love for neighbour - a transformational love that brings us all closer to the kingdom of God. Rev. Amy shows how in this time of crisis, isolation and fear, this focus on our basic need for love is needed more than ever. When our lives seem ready to crumble like a cookie, love is the one special ingredient that can bind us together. (Bible reading Mark 12:28-37)

With in-person worship cancelled due to the pandemic, consider making an offering online or through the mail if you are financially able. Your continued support for is important to maintain Second’s ministries to our congregation and to the many mission organizations that serve those in need in Baltimore and beyond. Thank you. You may text your offering to 73256, entering “SeekShareServe” in the message box. (Please don't set up another account if you already have a Realm account as it creates accounting confusion.) You can also make a one-time gift through the church website:

Pastors' Zoom Office Hours - On Mondays through Fridays we will hold pastor "Zoom office hours" between 10 am and 12 noon. Anytime during this time, you can click the office hours link and meet a pastor on Zoom to talk, laugh, pray, cry, etc. Link: Meeting ID: 358 828 399. Phone: 1-646-558-8656.

Easter Memorial Flowers - The Chancel Guild plans to decorate church for Easter inside and out, and to share that with the neighborhood and online. Donations for Easter memorial flowers will be received until Palm Sunday, April 5. The donor’s name, along with the names of the persons remembered or honored, will be printed in the bulletin. The lilies and other flowers will be delivered after the Easter services to our shut-ins by the Deacons. Email names to Joyce Zimmerman, [email protected]. Checks may be made payable to Second Presbyterian Church with a notation at the bottom “for Easter flowers” and mailed to the church at 4200 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21218.