Our Sizzlin' Summer Sermon Series enters the dog days of summer as we begin the book in which Paul writes his most dogged pursuit of a systematic review of Christian life - the epistle to the Romans. Rev. Tom starts off by reminding us that Paul was no lone wolf, but saw faith as a feature of the community as a whole. Thus, his letters were not the work of a solitary figure scribbling in a Rembrandt painting with a black background. They were a community project - from the people he called his brothers and sisters, to others he hoped to meet and form the same relationship with. But this loyalty to the Christian movement comes with a price. To claim Jesus as Lord and Savior, the early church needed to reject the emperor in that role for their lives. So Paul starts his letter with the basics - the Gospel is the power of God for salvation, for the righteous to live by faith. Rev. Tom reminds us that God's expression of faith to us is revealed fully in Jesus, and it is this faith that sustains ours. (Bible reading - Romans 1:8-17, NRSV

Please join us in our "Fit in the Faith" quest to make an 8,700-mile journey like Paul! Visit This Page to share how far you've traveled in Paul's footsteps!