Not everyone who wrestles with you is an enemy. This Sunday's Lectionary reading is about that epic "Fight to the Dawn" - a match between Jacob and... someone. A man? An angel? God? There isn't an obvious answer. But that uncertainty of a clear meaning is much like the lesson of the story itself. As Rev. Tom explains, a part of life is the struggle. Whether it's on a personal, interpersonal, or international level, the interactions we face in life can be trying, so difficult that all we can do is to hold on until the sun rises and the trial is over. But in these times of contention, there is victory, even blessing. Even Jesus submitted to the hardships in life, even to death. Likewise, "Coach" Tom gives us four messages from this story - not for obtaining a clear and easy victory, but to continue in the work, to trust in God that there is goodness in the struggle - for ourselves and for others. (Bible reading - Genesis 32:22-30)