Christianity has never been and will never be easy to put into practice. Like a professional musician or an athlete, a practicing Christian needs dedication in times when no glory or return on investment seems possible. As Rev. Tom describes, Jesus' followers were in those trying times right at the start of Holy Week - not just on Good Friday. We often depict Palm Sunday as a fun time with lots of singing and waving, and a donkey showing up as a church-event novelty. But for the two disciples tasked with the work, going and bringing a donkey was drudgery - just a task that wasn't particularly life-fulfilling, but did support an essential message of Christian faith. Like many enterprises in life, the project of building the Christian faith requires so many people working behind the scenes - those who are in the small print in the end credits of a movie. But there is deep purpose in these small acts. As Rev. Tom highlights, the woman with the alabaster jar of pure nard gave an important gift to Jesus - his burial anointment. The twelve disciples couldn't understand this "waste" of money, so the woman received criticism for her sacrifice instead of praise. But Jesus accepted her gift as an act of faith. Any act of faith - no matter how small and uncelebrated - is an expression of love that is eternally precious in God's eyes.

(Bible reading - Mark 11:1-11, 14:3-9 NRSV)

Maundy Thursday - Thursday, April 9, 7 PM via Zoom.


Dial-In: 1-646-558-8656

Meeting ID#: 650 908 852

Our Maundy Thursday service will be virtual Upper Room as together we gather around the table for Zoom Dinner Worship. You are invited to prepare a meal so that it will be ready at 7 PM and set up your device to join for worship via Zoom. Additionally, we will celebrate the Sacrament of communion so please have common elements available to participate in the sharing of the bread and wine. This will be a new experience for all of us, but just as Jesus gathered with his disciples over a shared meal, so too we will gather in the presence of Christ and join together in worship over table fellowship. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Amy at [email protected]!

Good Friday - Friday, April 10, 7 PM via Zoom


Dial-In: 1-646-558-8656

Meeting ID#: 352 452 639

A Service of Solemn Remembrance “A Lonely Death, but Not Alone”. Rev. Dr. Tom Blair will be preaching with Chancel Choir and special guests providing music.

Easter Sunday - Sunday, April 12, 10 AM via Zoom


Dial-in: Call 1-646-558-8656

Meeting ID#: 322 082 872

A Joyful Easter at Home “While it was Still Dark”. Rev. Dr. Tom Blair will be preaching with special music from Easters past and present.

Easter Carillon Concert - Sunday, April 12, 2 PM at the church

Beau Lochte will be playing his handbells along with the church carillon on Stratford Road. We look forward to sharing some Easter joy with our neighbors. In accordance with the Governor’s orders, you may drive to the church and park. You must remain in your car, with no more than 10 people in the car.