This Epiphany Sunday, we’re following the Narrative Lectionary as it shows us a more profound manifestation of Jesus than just a baby boy that the Wise Men visit. Beginning our journey through the Gospel of Mark, Rev. Tom describes several stories when Jesus healed the sick and troubled. These manifestations are not merely to display Jesus’ power, but also to show how the mercy of God works within our lives. Jesus’ acts of healing were focused on the outcast and the unclean – people pushed to the margins of society. As Rev. Tom reminds us, when Jesus makes the unclean clean, he is crossing boundaries that we make to divide ourselves from others. But in truth, there are no such boundaries. The breath of God comes to all of God’s creations – binding all things in an interconnected whole. It is within this interplay of “Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female” that the reconciliation brought by Jesus to us is fully manifested.

Churches of Charles MLK Day of Service, January 20, 2020

The community of churches along North Charles Street are coming together to serve our community. This is a great way for us to learn about local mission programs, meet new people, and be the presence of Christ in someone else's life. To learn more or to sign up, Please visit:

(Bible reading - Mark 1:21-45, NRSV)