Ryan Rampersad and Ian R Buck review Fenix for Android, contrasting Twitter's first party Android app to a great third party Android app.

Ryan Rampersad and Ian R Buck review Fenix for Android, contrasting Twitter's first party Android app to a great third party Android app.


Twitter – Android Apps on Google Play
Fenix for Twitter – Android Apps on Google Play
Ryan Rampersad on Twitter: “My sentiments exactly. https://t.co/1aQJjoXC8c”


Pros of Twitter (first party Android app):

It’s free
Supports features Twitter hasn’t released to third party apps

While you were away

Notifies when multiple people you follow tweet about the same thing/like the same tweet
Shows photo tags. But who tags others on Twitter?
Notifies when a favorite user retweets something
Pushbullet opens notifications as twitter.com

Pros of Fenix:

Dark theme
Displays Instagram photos (and probably a few other things that Twitter doesn’t)
Doesn’t have ads (aka “Promoted Tweets”)
Has multiple feeds

Favorite users

Especially useful because their tweets don’t get lost if the notification is lost


Shows what client other posts came from
Option of circular or square profile pictures


Free Music Archive: Beat Doctor – Organic (electric edit)

This episode of Second Opinion has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #365: SO #5 — All These Things With All These names!

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