Previous Episode: Monkey Man

Get bonus episodes on Patreon!   “The entire universe with all of its Time is within me.” The third Dune novel is not messing around. Herbert dives fearlessly into the further reaches of his creation and consecrates his central critique. The dehumanizing effect of absolute power is made literal. Monsters and gods take the places of previous meddlers. Recurring plot beats speak to an inevitable cycle of power and corruption. All of the time jumps finally pay off as idealistic returning characters move up the generational ladder, only to entrench themselves in a self-serving aristocracy. Finally, Herbert’s fascination with ghosts and echoes and gholas reaches horrifying new heights. 

LINKS: PatreonYouTubeSpotifyInstagramCam’s stories

Feedback & Theories: [email protected]

Get bonus episodes on Patreon!   “The entire universe with all of its Time is within me.” The third Dune novel is not messing around. Herbert dives fearlessly into the further reaches of his creation and consecrates his central critique. The dehumanizing effect of absolute power is made literal. Monsters and gods take the places of previous meddlers. Recurring plot beats speak to an inevitable cycle of power and corruption. All of the time jumps finally pay off as idealistic returning characters move up the generational ladder, only to entrench themselves in a self-serving aristocracy. Finally, Herbert’s fascination with ghosts and echoes and gholas reaches horrifying new heights. 

LINKS: PatreonYouTubeSpotifyInstagramCam’s stories

Feedback & Theories: [email protected]