2021 Woman of Steel award-winner and winning captain of last year’s Challenge Cup, League Leaders’ Shield and Super League Grand Final as St Helens secured an historic treble, Jodie Cunningham joins me on Seb Talks Sports! Jodie describes receiving her call-up to the England squad while simultaneously applying to study Medicine at university, how her ACL injury that caused her to face a lengthy spell on the sidelines affected her both mentally and physically, the exponential growth of women’s rugby league in recent years, her record-breaking 2021 campaign as Saints captain that saw the club secure an historic treble and herself the prestigious Woman of Steel award, her current role as an ambassador for the upcoming Rugby League World Cup, and much more!

You can find Jodie on Instagram (@jodiecunningham91) and Twitter (@Jodie_cunny), keep up to date with the Rugby League World Cup 2021 on Instagram (@rlwc2021), Twitter (@RLWC2021), Facebook (Rugby League World Cup) and online (www.rlwc2021.com), and buy tickets for the tournament on their website (www.rlwc2021.com/tickets/buy-tickets).

Both tracks were made by music creator David E. Wilson who you can find on all good music streaming services, as well as Twitter (@4stillRunning) and Instagram (@4stillrunning).

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