Previous Episode: Episode 14 - Reggie Swinton
Next Episode: Episode 16 - Nat Coombs

Nine-year wide receiver for the Kansas City Chiefs and Atlanta Falcons—playing over 100 games accumulating nearly 4,000 yards and 20 touchdowns across a prestigious career that saw him make it to the doorstep of the Super Bowl when starting against the Buffalo Bills in the AFC Championship Game for the 1993 season—JJ Birden joins me on SebTalksSports! JJ talks about the challenge he faced and overcame as one of the smallest receivers in the NFL, the greatness of his Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana, having to block for teammate “The Nigerian Nightmare” himself Christian Okoye, and much more!

You can find JJ on Twitter (@JJBirden), Instagram (@JJBirden), Facebook (JJ Birden), buy his best-selling book online (When Opportunity Knocks, 8 Surefire Ways to Take Advantage!), and check out his website (

Both tracks were made by music creator David E. Wilson who you can find on all good music streaming services, as well as Twitter (@4stillRunning) and Instagram (@4stillrunning).

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