After a one-month hiatus due to the demands of creating an online course, we're back to continue our journey through Genesis.

Mr. Bruce Malone, founder of Search for the Truth Ministries, visits to share his wisdom concerning the age of this wonderful rock we call Home. Is it meeeeellions of years old? Hardly. I used to be an old-earth creationist, but I switched sides several years ago. It's easy for us humans to arrogantly impose our ill-informed ideas on the scriptures and imagine that it will work. I fell into that trap—trying to make excuses for the Bible so that it wouldn't step on any scientific toes.

Don't get me wrong, I love Science, but the real thing, not the God-rejecting belief system that uses the label to bring respectability to its foolish agenda. So I've invited a scientist onto the show to tell us why the "scientific" version of history is bunk.

Mr. Malone is a chemical engineer who holds 17 patents with Dow Chemical. He has a sharp, analytical mind, and it was that mind, when engaged in a study of the Word of God, that led him to the conclusion that geological and archaeological evidence supports the biblical notion of a young Creation. Since then, Bruce Malone has spent 30 years bringing the scientific evidence for creation to churches and colleges at seminars throughout the United States and 12 foreign countries. He has also authored six books on the evidence for creation with over 500,000 copies in print.

I highly recommend the materials available for order on Search for the Truth's website. Two items you should be sure to check out are The Rocks Cry Out and Have You Considered: Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

In this episode you'll learn:

The definition and importance of the term uniformitarianism
How analysis of recent geological processes supports a global flood
How the Flood would have drastically altered the planet
What we can deduce from the existence of copious amounts of coal beneath the earth
Why the discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur bones is a big deal
How to engage and combat those who bend scripture to cram it into a modern scientific worldview


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