Seattle Seahawks fans, thanks for joining Bill Alvstad and Keith Myers for the 228th edition of the Seahawks Playbook Podcast! Up this week is our Top 5 Lists. Bill and Keith each brought in our own Top 5 Lists from categories including: Favorite Seahawk Players of All-Time. Top 5 Non-Seahawk NFL Players of All-Time. We wrap up the show with our Seahawks All-Time Under Appreciated Team of All-Time by selecting a player at each position.

This was a super fun show to prep for and record. We spend a lot of time looking back on players and eras that most listeners may not have been around for, so getting ready for a little history lesson!

Go Hawks!

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Seattle Seahawks fans, thanks for joining Bill Alvstad and Keith Myers for the 228th edition of the Seahawks Playbook Podcast! Up this week is our Top 5 Lists. Bill and Keith each brought in our own Top 5 Lists from categories including: Favorite Seahawk Players of All-Time. Top 5 Non-Seahawk NFL Players of All-Time. We wrap up the show with our Seahawks All-Time Under Appreciated Team of All-Time by selecting a player at each position.

This was a super fun show to prep for and record. We spend a lot of time looking back on players and eras that most listeners may not have been around for, so getting ready for a little history lesson!

Go Hawks!

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