This week we are entering virtual reality to kick some virtual ass while we discuss “First Person Shooter”. Note the lack of an exclamation mark. We’re ready to be true haters this week. We talk how the term “male gaze” was probably invented to describe this episode, puzzle over the Venn diagram of Euro-goons and cyber trash, advocate for Gillian Anderson getting a big spray bottle for the rest of the crew this time, how this episode wants to be “Basic Instinct” so bad, how unsettling (in a bad way) it is to watch a bunch of grown men salivating over women like this, and how this episode shockingly passes the Bechdel test. We leave room for levity as we clown on Mulder’s little gaming outfit, wonder if Chris Carter was mad at David Duchovny and that’s why the episode is like this, discover they had to shock David Duchovny to put on the suit, and just shake our heads at how out of character everyone is. But the one thing we did learn from this episode that we can all take with us: Scully with a big gun IS feminism. That’s just facts.

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