Previous Episode: S2 E19: "Død PⱯníḉ"
Next Episode: S2 E21: "The Calamari"

This week we are unpacking our luggage and our biases while we discuss “Humbug”! We’re talking how Mulder is somehow both a weirdo and a normie, Dr. Blockhead’s Gob Bluth energy, Mulder and Scully’s combined sleep schedules, Scully’s magician skills, and how you shouldn’t talk to the FBI unless you have a good zinger. We heap love on Darin Morgan’s love letter to abnormality, advocate for bullying hot people, create and then immediately disband Wart Corner, and take a run through Chekov’s Tabernacle. The conversation is also quickly derailed due to Mulder’s posing, because Google Earth is always takin’ pics.

Submit questions/comments/recipe links/segment suggestions for our Season 2 Spectacular by December 5th!

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