The everlasting beyond … the experience sails anew! On this latest episode, we dive into the happenings of our favorite duo before a fun Crabby Distraction … Claws FIGHT! Next, we take a dive into old Hollywood with the new David Fincher film – Mank! We then travel deeper into the Viking Raids with more tales from Assassins Creed: Valhalla and fun dicing decisions with our DnD adventures. Lastly, we end the night with an in-depth fireside chat about Warner Bros decision to release there 2021 slate of films on HBMax and theaters at the same time and the fallout on this episode of Scuba and The Ry!


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Show Credits and Thanks to:
Logo and Background Artwork by: Volgraza from Nimajination studios
Additional Stream Artwork from 
Additional Music from
Full list of sounds from Syrinscape: