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Jan started working with a new team. He noticed there were a lot of escalations and conflict on that team. 

On the surface everything seemed well enough, but as he started to investigate, he noticed a lot of conflict. While talking to the managers of the people involved, he noticed there was no clear purpose/direction set for that team. As he reflected on the situation, he noticed that a lot of the escalations came from that lack of alignment/purpose. Listen in to learn about how Jan went about trying to solve the conflicts as well as the lack of alignment between team members. 

In this segment, we talk about the book Liftoff: Start and Sustain Successful Agile Team by Larsen and Nies, and how Team Agreements can help teams align on purpose


About Jan Neudecker

Jan is an Agile Coach and Trainer. His vision is to make workplaces more humane, enjoyable and purposeful. An unpleasant diagnosis three years ago had a big impact on how he looks at these topics today. It became his mission to get these topics more into the spotlight of teams and organizations so they are less of a taboo subject in future.

You can link with Jan Neudecker on LinkedIn and connect with Jan Neudecker on Twitter.

If you want to know more about Jan’s fight with cancer, you can follow his blog

Jan also organizes a Scrum User Group in Germany.

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