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Kathryn started as a journalist, and was “recruited” to help in an IT project that aimed to help journalists in their day-to-day work, that took her on a journey towards Agile and eventually she took on the PO and later the Scrum Master role. As a Scrum Master, later on in her career, she tried to help a team working remotely, and that was only part of the challenge. As the team started to work on the product, they did not seek feedback from the partners and stakeholders, leading to a lot of surprises in the Sprint Reviews. This story helped Kathryn learn an important lesson for her as a Scrum Master. Listen in to learn about the critical tip she has to share based on this story.


About Kathryn Tancos

Kathryn is a certified Scrum Master focused on Agile transformations and helping teams build a better way of working. How did this Emmy Award-winning news producer become an avid Agilist? Through communication, curiosity, and collaboration, the pillars of successful Agile teams. Her goal is to inspire teams and organizational cultures to foster a sense of self-leadership throughout the transformation journey.

You can link with Kathryn Tancos on LinkedIn and connect with Kathryn Tancos on Twitter.

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