Today we interview pastor JOSHUA GAGNON he is the founding and lead pastor of Next Level Church. We will talk about what it looks like to leave behind disappointment and learn to dream again. We will talk to Joshua in discovering the answers to these questions and many more… How does dreaming help you discover your purpose? How do you identify if a dream is even worth chasing? How do you overcome resistance, criticism and doubt? How do you pray bold prayers when you don’t feel like praying at all? How do you finish strong on the journey toward your dream? Enjoy the show and learn more about Joshua at THE FOUNDING AND LEAD PASTOR OF NEXT LEVEL CHURCH, REGULARLY RECOGNIZED AS ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING CHURCHES IN AMERICA. HE IS KNOWN FOR HIS UNIQUELY AUTHENTIC COMMUNICATION STYLE THAT MAKES THE HOPE FOUND IN JESUS RELEVANT TO PEOPLE OF EVERY BACKGROUND. HIS LATEST BOOK, IT’S NOT OVER.