Drew (Design Analyst on Star Wars: The Old Republic, Writer and Designer on The Banner Saga, and Lead Writer on The Banner Saga 2) and Greg (Creative Director of Supergiant Games and Writer of Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre) call in to talk with us about the importance of being involved with the development process when you're a writer, worldbuilding, the writing process on Banner Saga 1 & 2, subtlety in games, how Supergiant decides on which game they're gonna make, writing as the most disposable of the creative disciplines, the divide between thinking something is good and what ends up shipping, storytelling structures, revising and never being comfortable in knowing how close you are from the finish line, the phrase 'We made the game we wanna play,' dealing with branching narratives, and the storytelling potential in fighting games.

Our Guests on the Internet

Drew's Twitter and Stoic's Twitter.

Greg's Twitter and Supergiant's Twitter.

Stuff We Talked About

Brandon Sanderson

The Banner Saga

Puzzle Quest

Raid on Rise: Narrative Creation on 'Rise of The Tomb Raider'



Greg Kasavin Reads the Introduction of Samurai Showdown 2

Our theme music was composed by 2Mello, and our logo was created by Lily Nishita.

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