This episode we play a game called"Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc," where Brenna has to come up with definitions for words that Will did or did not definitely make up or crib from the internet. It goes about as well as you expect.

Written and recorded by William Phelps & Brenna Crotty

Music and sound editing by Wes Price

Art by Evan Graff (@ejgraffics)

Bricoleur /ˌbrikəˈlər/
Chafe /CHāf/
Chauffeur /SHōˈfər/
Sonder /sän-dər/
Kummerspeck /koom-uh-shpek/
Opia /ō-pē-ə/
Monachopsis /MON-a-COP-sis/
Scientist /ˈsī-ən-tist/
Énouement /ˌā-ˌnü-ˈmäⁿ/
Ennui /ˌän-ˈwē/
Snake Oil /ˈsnāk ˈȯi(-ə)l/