“Here in America, the average African American Family has average income of $17.600. The average white family in America has income of $171,000. That is a huge gap and I for one believe that it’s based off of the lack of resources and opportunities and years and years of discrimination and things that have held back other minorities down. And I want to allow color to not be something that determines your status or your income status. I want everyone to have an even playing field where there is resources available to succeed and to earn wealth.”

The son of a Jamaican immigrant, Darrel D. Frater grew up in an entrepreneurial home. From an early age he understood that the combination of education and entrepreneurship presented opportunities to address the racial wage gap in the United States (particularly in urban communities).

Today Darrel is host of the Urban Entrepreneur Podcast, co-owner of Advance Homes Kitchen and Bath Cabinets (with his father), Founder and CEO of Sharpshooters Global, and a partner in a new startup venture called The Urban Entrepreneur Centers of America.

The latter two organizations are geared towards helping youth in urban communities see entrepreneurs as a career path.

Sharp Shooter Global is a consulting company that directly mentors and assists young entrepreneurs bring ideas to the marketplace. The Urban Entrepreneur Centres of America will be physical locations where young entrepreneurs can meet and participate in entrepreneurial education programs. Much of the programming will be aimed at high school age students.

In this episode Darrel talks about the lessons he learned from his father’s entrepreneurial journey and gives us the low down on his plans to support the growth of entrepreneurship in disadvantaged urban communities.

Contact Darrel


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