Madeleine Black is a public speaker, psychotherapist, and author of Unbroken. Madeleine has experienced more trauma in her life than most ever will.

She was violently gang raped when she was thirteen years old, and raped three more times before the age of eighteen. Living in a state of shock and self-loathing, it took her years of struggle to confront the buried memories of that first attack and begin to undo the damage it wrought, as men continued to take advantage of her fragility in the worst possible way.

Yet, after growing up with a burden no teenager should ever have to shoulder, she found the heart to carry out the best revenge plan of all; leading a fulfilling and happy life.

Madeleine believes that if we choose to, we can get past anything in life, and sums it up this way - “It’s not what happens to us that is important but what we do with it.”

You can reach Madeleine at [email protected] Buy her book UNBROKEN