This week I’m calling BS on all the adults who keep telling their kids that they can do anything they want when they grow up.

Not because the words are wrong. They’re spot on. The problem is most of these adults are guilty of telling their kids to do as they say, not as they do.

Here’s the thing. Kids aren’t stupid. And if the adults around them are part of the 87% of employees in this world who are disengaged from their work, then you can be assured the kids can tell. We’re living in a world full of actors. People that say life is great, when their actions and demeanor say something different.

In this episode of Mind Games I talk about lessons I learned from the actions of my Aunt (The first woman to reach the executive floor at Labatt’s Brewery) and my Mom (She graduated 3rd in the 1947 Business and Commerce Class for the University of Toronto. The announcement of her graduation in the local newspaper, noted that she had graduated from Business and Commerce, “a subject usually considered difficult for women.”

I grew up surrounded by adult role models who refused to let societal norms determine their career or life trajectory. It’s not something we talked about. It was just there.

Parents, if you want your kids to believe in the possibilities, then you’d best start believing too. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

Email [email protected]




Screw The Naysayers-