Gallup reports that a staggering 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged. Of those, 17% are actively disengaged (translation- these employees are deliberately trying to sabotage the company they work for).

For Dave Clare, this is evidence that leadership around the globe is in crisis mode, or as he puts it, leadership is broken.

In a world where the only certainty is uncertainty organizational structures are under attack.
There's a lack of trust in corporations and big shot CEO's and old hierarchies are being challenged with the changing nature of work.

Dave says the answer is simple (not easy). Dave argues that a shift from a business model to a model business is not only desired, but required to ensure longevity. Business is a long-game. Building an invincible culture that unleashes creativity and innovation is paramount for continued success. Leaders I work with understand that they are responsible to create more leaders, not followers. 

Dave Clare is a leadership coach, public speaker and the author of Simplified: Leadership Is Simple. You Lead People. Dave gave up a hard earned 6 figure corporate income to chase his goal of creating and inspiring 90 million purpose-driven leaders. He wrote a book that calls BS on the leadership industry and says we have over-complicated things and are wasting billions on leadership training that is outdated.

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Screw The Naysayers-