You need to pass an introductory language test in Japanese (a language you don’t know), and you have two weeks to prepare!

That’s the situation a young Adrian Shepherd found himself in. He was scheduled to do a spring term in Japan, but without notice the prerequisite language requirements were changed. Most people would have given up.

Adrian hired a tutor, went down to the language department at his University, ignored the professor who told him he would never be able to do it in time, and easily passed the entrance exam in Japan.

As fate would have it, Adrian fell in love with Japan (and his future wife), and is now a best-selling author, Asia’s #1 Time Management Expert and the creator of the One-Bite Time Management System.

In this episode Adrian we talk about::

His near death experience when a Tsunami hit without warning, and he shares with us the impact it had on his mindset.
His progression from an English teacher in Japan, to a Franchise owner, Multi-Level Marketer and then,
How he became a self-taught time management expert by reading and then applying his experience as a teacher to simplify things
The value of teaching our children about respect, discipline, and letting them learn that hard work pays off

Contact Adrian:



Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

Email [email protected]




Screw The Naysayers-