From the outside looking in Dheep Matharu had it all. She’d moved across the pond to New York and had hit it big in investment banking. Money, clothes, awesome apartment, and she was utterly miserable.

It reached the point where she started her day with cocaine, and the party kept going 7 days a week.

She felt lost, guilty. What was wrong with her. She had everything she’d asked for and it sucked.

She wanted to quit but said to herself, if I’m not happy here where am I going to be happy?

She kept it all inside, afraid to tell anyone because she was convinced she would look like a fool.

Finally she found the courage to quit. Dheep says if she hadn’t quit she would be dead. She is sure of it.

Dheep is the bestselling author of ‘A New York Kind of Love’ memoir book series, is back home in England and is on a mission to help others beat addictions and find the courage to live the life they want.

In this episode Dheep shares her story, the lessons learned along the way, and her passionate commitment to help others.

Contact Dheep:



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Screw The Naysayers-