This episode is part of a new mini-series on Screw the Naysayers that features returning guests who focus specifically on providing practical advice and tips to help us navigate challenging times and position ourselves for future success. 

Steve Anderson is an Entrepreneur, a trusted authority on Risk Management, a Futurist, and a public speaker. Steve is also the author of The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon which we spoke about at length in episode 171 of Screw the Naysayers.

His speaking portfolio includes presentations on the future of technology, the influence of social platforms, how businesses can leverage the internet, and how they can assess and use risk to their advantage. Steve was chosen as one of the original 150 LinkedIn Influencers and has over 340,000 followers.

With over thirty-five years of experience in the insurance industry, Steve is a Futurist and trusted authority on Risk Management.