Have you ever wanted something so bad you could almost taste it? You know the feeling I’m talking about. You feel like you’ve been walking in a desert sun for hours. You’d do anything for a cold glass of water.

Brian Keating can tell you about that feeling. In 2014 Brian was on a quest to unlock one of cosmology’s biggest mysteries. He was part of a team of astronomers wielding BICEP2, the most powerful cosmology telescope ever made, who thought they’d glimpsed the spark that ignited the Big Bang! As a scientists Brian and his associates were trained to follow a process which included publishing their findings for fellow scientists to review.

But this was different. A Nobel Prize hung in the balance, and they needed to be first. They went public with a definitive statement. Millions around the world tuned in to the announcement. Then the rumours began to spread. Had these cosmologists truly read the cosmic prologue or, driven by ambition in pursuit of Nobel gold, had they been deceived by a galactic mirage? The later proved to be true.

Brian joined me to talk about his book, Losing the Nobel Prize. He honestly admits getting caught up in the chase and taking shortcuts. But he goes on to say that losing the Nobel Prize was also a great gift. He also provocatively argues that the Nobel Prize actually hampers scientific progress by encouraging speed and competition while punishing inclusivity, collaboration, and bold innovation.

We also got into a fascinating conversation about legacy and changes Brian would like to see in the ways we teach children about science.

You may not learn about the origin of the big bang, but this is a real discussion that will challenge you to think about the lens you use to see the world.

You can contact Brian at:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drbriankeating/

Website: https://briankeating.com/

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