Seth Godin is a teacher, an author, marketing guru, a podcast host and has one of the longest running and revered marketing blogs on the internet. He has written an astonishing 19 bestselling books, most of which have stood the test of time.

He’s in the Guerrilla Marketing Hall of Fame, the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame and, just recently, the plain old no-modifier Marketing Hall of Fame.

In this episode Seth explains:

How one bad decision cost him more than $1B dollars
Why advertising doesn’t work anymore
How to know when facebook sucking you and your money into a vortex
Why you need to target the smallest viable audience
The purpose of his famous Purple Cow (the answer may surprise you)
Why winners quit all the time
That his ability to write best selling books is not a gift
That if he wanted to tell untruths he could 10x the sales of his workshops
The relationship between the Cuban Missile Crisis and the myth of rational choice
That the chance of success for a company selling an average product for average price is zero
That private 4 year colleges are using tension, fear, and the myth of status to run a really huge scam that is ending now
Why parents that know its a scam are still encouraging their kids to go to college
Why parents should encourage kids under the age of 8 to participate in acts of non-compliance in service of the community
His ideas about the role of schools and parents in a child's education
Why Marketing is everything

You can contact Seth at:



Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

Email [email protected]
Screw The Naysayers-
