Have you ever had an idea that is stuck to your head like velcro? And I mean really stuck. I have. It excites you, scares the hell out of you, frustrates you, keeps you awake at night and sometimes you wish it would just get the hell out of your head. If this happens to you be thankful. Those are the ideas that can really change your life.

Carey Rome is the CEO of Cypress Resource and host of the Caged Vision Podcast.

Carey explains that “Caged Vision is the feeling of having an idea. Not one that’s popcorn, meaning it’s just a fleeting idea. But an idea that will not leave you alone. And idea that you continue to build on. That will eat you alive if you don’t figure out a way, how to move it forward, how to make it progress”.

In this episode Carey:

Happily admits he had to take the State CPA exam 7 times before he passed
Talks about his struggles in school as an auditory learner
Explains why he chose to study accounting at College
Admits that when he launched his podcast he didn’t tell his wife for a few months
Tells us that 92.3% of companies do not have a system for pushing strategy down into their organization and for managing strategy.
Explains that only 1% of us can be happy making money on a product or service we don’t care about selling to customers we don’t care about
Says that when it comes to starting a business he doesn’t know any shortcuts. But insists there is a consistent path
Shares his thoughts on approaches parents can use to determine their kids don’t become a widget in a cog

You can contact Carey at:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/careyrome/
Website: https://www.cypressresources.com/
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

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Screw The Naysayers- www.screwthenaysayers.com