Previous Episode: Squadron Supreme #4-6

CORRECTION: Yep, Will is still saying 'Madame Ape' instead of 'Ape X' -- please enjoy his wrongness! Three more issues down, and the Milksops opinion of the Squadron has... remained mostly the same! They appreciate the books' strengths and find it interesting BUT we both feel that it suffers when you read it, like, now (post-Watchmen, post-multiversemania). Still, we examine the stories in this issue which include: Fake Evil Hyperion dating Recently Widowed Princess Power (recently widowed because Evil Hyperion killed her husband!), Blue Eagle and Foxfire getting it on, Madame Ape (Ape X?) falling for Tom Thumb, and a very abrupt ending to issue 9! We also talk about the CW cartoon series The Spectacular Spider-Man which Will has just started watching. We wrap it up by trying to think of what movies / comics / TV shows have endings that make your impression of them jump way up.