To prepare for the new Disney+ show starring Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan incarnation), the Milksops do a crash course on her comic books! Despite just having debuted in Feburary 2014 (besides a fast cameo in 2013), Ms. Marvel has gotten a lot of development and appearances in that time. We go over her impressively strong debut, which includes the personality of Jersey City, her interesting conservative Muslim family, and cabal of surprising, supportive high school friends. We see a lot of Peter Parker in Kamala, with her joy and decency and missteps. We're intrigued by her Muslim background. We love the physical weirdness of her poly-morphism -- very Kirby, we think. We don't love the Inhmans origin (too complicated) and don't love her as much on teams (too competent, you heard us), and have yet to be grabbed by the recent "space stories" run. But we think this character is a hit and are excited for the show.

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