On the FF side of things, we start with the fate of Galactus and Frankie Raye, and we end with the beginning of a Dr. Doom story ("Too Many Dooms!"). Both fine issues. But in the middle we have one of the best FF issues ever, and certainly one of the signature issues of John Byrne's run - #245 "Childhood's End." It's Byrne's thesis statement on Susan RIchards, The Invisible Girl. What makes her special, powerful, indispensible? It is demonstrated masterfully in this tale, where Susan takes on a mysterious enemy so powerful he dispenses with Reed Ben and Johnny with little more than a thought. Two Milksops up! On the correspondence side, we get into some corrections on more Will Hines factual errors, a request for a no-prize (denied, for the first time ever) and a discussion of the inimitable Forbush Man.


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