Despite some very big limitations and shortcomings, Born Again stands out as an incredible achievement of monthly comic book creation. Each issue is tense, interesting, has surprising developments, humor, character moments, ending in a terrific cliffhanger. Writer Frank Miller is excellent at taking characters you know and exaggerating them to more powerful versions of themselves. Kingpin is not just a crime lord, he's an imposing terrifying figure of doom. Murdock/Daredevil is not just a run-of-the-mill good guy, but a man who is unable to quit even when he loses his mind. Ben Urich is a tough-as-nails reporter commtted to getting the truth -- so what does it feel like when he gets truly scared? Karen Page is the well-known misfire in this story -- she's all damsel in distress with little personality other then begging Matt to save her. But for 1986, you can see that this run blew away its peers for presenting an exciting can't-wait-for-next-issue story.

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