Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast! This week, your hosts are stepping into The Shimmer (aka 2018) to review Alex Garland's visually stunning sci-fi mind-twister, Annihilation! Prepare yourself for what is essentially a half-hour venting session as Lisha vehemently and aggressively questions what the hell supposedly makes this a good movie, Jules remains insistent that the movie is cool, dammit, and both of your hosts find themselves wheeze-laughing, admiring the visuals, and coming up with alternative movie taglines. Also included are mini-reviews for Alex Garland's 2021 film Men, and Shawn Levy's 2021 film Free Guy...because we do what we want, don't question us. This one's a ball, y'all (OR MAYBE IT'S JUST A TRICK OF THE LIGHT? FFS, WHO WROTE THIS SHIT),  so snuggle up with your other-worldly doppleganger and enjoy! 

Sources for this episode include imdb.com, wikipedia.org, rottentomatoes.com, and metacritic.com. 

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Happy listening!

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(Excellent podcast logo commissioned from the talented Mel. Find Mel on Instagram @javadoodler, website www.javadoodleart.com, or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Javadoodle.Art.
Our incredible intro music was composed by Detroit musician Sasha Kashperko!