Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast! This Halloween, Lisha and Jules review a different kind of film: Austin Allan James's 2021 independent, micro-budget film Who's With Me? (You can watch for free; links after the cut!) Make sure you have a back stock of clean water (for your tea of course!) before digging in as Lisha gets deep into theory, Jules puts her education to work, and they get into a ridiculous debate about who would escape a deadly quarantine and who would be left to die in misery 😃 Your hosts were lucky enough to get some behind the scenes info about the production of this film from the creator himself, so sit back, relax, and spend some time with us on Spooky Day 🧡

Check out the film here: https://youtu.be/JguqjhFqnmI

Also! https://app5.letterboxd.com/film/whos-with-me/

And check out the film's Insta for info and future productions from the creator @wwm_film

Info for this episode found on IMDB.com, https://filmthreat.com/reviews/whos-with-me/, and writer/director Austin Allan James.

Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/screenteapodcast, hit us up on Twitter @screenteapod, shoot us an e-mail at [email protected], and check out our website at www.screenteapodcast.com!

Happy listening!

Please go check out https://www.watershedvoice.com/, an independent nonprofit news organization based in Three Rivers, Michigan. Watershed Voice, on top of being a new and much needed strong journalistic presence, has also decided to feature Screen Tea Podcast on their digital news site! Support them with a subscription, by sharing their page on social media, and with good old fashioned word of mouth.

(Excellent podcast logo commissioned from the talented Mel. Find Mel on Instagram @javadoodler, website www.javadoodleart.com, or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Javadoodle.Art.
Our incredible intro music was composed by Detroit musician Sasha Kashperko!)Â