Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast, and even more importantly, welcome to MARVEL MOVIE MAY! Join Lisha and Juliet for the FINAL of THREE FUCKING EPISODES as they break down their thoughts and opinions about the characters and actors within the Marvel Cinematic Universe! (They thought they could bang out 80 characters in one episode. Turns out what you've suspected all along is true; they are actually perpetually exhausted trash heaps with poor time management skills rather than human beings, so, you get three episodes!) Put on the kettle and listen to them discuss fantastic actors who must have owed some major favors, the brilliance of Jake Gyllenhaal (even though Quentin Beck was a little bitch), and whatever the hell the Grandmaster was all about.

Sources for information gathered for this episode were: www.imdb.com, www.wikipedia.org,  22 years of film watching experience, and Marvel.

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Happy listening!

Please go check out https://www.watershedvoice.com/, an independent nonprofit news organization based in Three Rivers, Michigan. Watershed Voice, on top of being a new and much needed strong journalistic presence, has also decided to feature Screen Tea Podcast on their digital news site! Support them with a subscription, by sharing their page on social media, and with good old fashioned word of mouth.

(Excellent podcast logo commissioned from the talented Mel. Find Mel on Instagram @javadoodler, website www.javadoodleart.com, or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Javadoodle.Art.

Our incredible intro music was composed by Detroit musician Sasha Kashperko!)