To date, Marvel and Netflix have joined forces for two seasons of Daredevil and one season of Jessica Jones with two new shows on the way, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. So far, this relationship has worked out incredibly well with the Marvel Netflix series earning more praise and support than the major network series on ABC A.G.E.N.T.S of Shield and Agent Carter. Much...

To date, Marvel and Netflix have joined forces for two seasons of Daredevil and one season of Jessica Jones with two new shows on the way, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. So far, this relationship has worked out incredibly well with the Marvel Netflix series earning more praise and support than the major network series on ABC A.G.E.N.T.S of Shield and Agent Carter. Much like what The CW has done for DC Entertainment, Netflix has done for Marvel. In the spirit of this relationship, we sit down to pitch our own Marvel Netflix series with special guest Russ Matthews. By listening in to this episode, you’ll hear four very different TV series ideas, each one part of the MCU, but each one existing in its own way with its own characters.

So, sit back, relax, listen in, and then let us know your thoughts on our Marvel Netflix series pitches!

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Pitching a Marvel Netflix Series Podcast Credits


Derreck Mayer

Rachel Stewart

Ryan Couture

Special Guest

Russ Matthews

Executive Producer

Derreck Mayer


Derreck Mayer


Michael Wallace (Flying Killer Robots)

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