Looking back at Screams and Moans a few days ago reminded me how much I missed soundcasting, or podcasting, and the people and the communities I met through it. We’re starting back fresh where Screams and Moans began and over the coming weeks I’ll work on re-uploading all of the old episodes for your listening …

Looking back at Screams and Moans a few days ago reminded me how much I missed soundcasting, or podcasting, and the people and the communities I met through it. We’re starting back fresh where Screams and Moans began and over the coming weeks I’ll work on re-uploading all of the old episodes for your listening enjoyment. With plans for brand new episodes in the works.

So let’s get started. Back in November 2013 I decided to start this podcast. This was the first episode: Animals on Parade. Recorded with Sassy from The Most Popular Girls on the Internet I was introduced to The Wicker Man (1973.) For the second half, we talk about great names for a sex shop. As this is a flashback, no need to submit answers for the next show (yet!) If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to subscribe for more episodes and the newest episodes as they are released!

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