ScreamingBox hosts Dave Erickson and Botond Seres are going to search for answers about Search Engine Optimization with our guest Tom Demers.

Tom has more than a decade of online marketing experience, and deep expertise in Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click advertising.

He is currently co-founder and managing partner at Measured SEM, an online marketing firm which helps clients significantly increase their web traffic and grow their businesses.

Tom is also a prolific writer, and writes for sites like Search Engine Land and Search Engine Journal.

In this podcast we are looking to find out exactly what SEO is, tips and tricks for developers and content writers and how SEO can be applied to various business and technology solutions:

0:32 - What is Search Engine Optimization?
2:11 - What are the main parts of SEO?
6:51 - The importance of link building in SEO.
13:35 - The three buckets of SEO: technical SEO, content SEO, and link building.
16:09 - What is Google looking for in your content?
20:00 -  Internal links vs. external links.
22:56 - What is the SEO stratagy that is most underutilized in commercial sites?
28:19 - Paginated content and search.
30:52 - Categories are a great idea, but don’t make the mistake of having too many.
35:59 - Keyword targeting and the types of terms you want to rank for.
38:54 - How to find keywords that are relevant today for search?
45:00 - How to find content structure examples for high-level topic areas?
48:36 - Is it better to focus on a few keywords or have many?
54:03 - The tactic or strategy that has the most ROI at this point seems to be that of content generation.
56:22 - How do you think ChatGPT content is gonna impact search and Google?
1:02:33 - How good is ChatGPT for SEO?
1:07:25  - What’s going to be the things that are going to most impact SEO in the next three or four years?
1:11:48 - The diversification in the way people are getting answers to questions.
1:14:00 - Contact Info and wrap up.

If you have questions for our Podcast Hosts or Guest, you can reach them here:

Dave Erickson =
Botond Seres =

GUEST: Tom Demers =

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