On June 19th, Exodus International (a Christian “Gay Therapy” organization well known for their “Pray The Gay Away” strategies) announced that they were closing up shop. This announcement was came by way of Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International with a blog post simply titles “I Am Sorry.” Chambers then announced a day later at […]

On June 19th, Exodus International (a Christian “Gay Therapy” organization well known for their “Pray The Gay Away” strategies) announced that they were closing up shop. This announcement was came by way of Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International with a blog post simply titles “I Am Sorry.” Chambers then announced a day later at the 38th Annual Exodus Freedom Conference that Exodus International would close it’s doors.

Some critics are suspect. John Shore lays out that this is simply a “re-branding” of Exodus International. This week Joey and Sean discuss this subject with Greg Horton and Rob Davis.

Show Notes:

Links of Interest:

I Am Sorry

Alan Chambers Opening Address at the 38th Annual Exodus Freedom Conference

John Shore: Who Would Suggest That Exodus International’s Apology Isn’t Sincere?

Anarchist Reverend’s Take

Documentaries Of Interest:

One Nation Under God

For The Bible Tells Me So

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