Many people see the Pro Choice vs. Pro Life debate in simple terms. Sometimes this even affects how people will vote or what political party they align themselves with. Asha Dahya seeks to change this conversation. On this episode we discuss her recently funded docuseries “Life At All Costs: Going Beyond Pro Choice Vs. Pro […]

Many people see the Pro Choice vs. Pro Life debate in simple terms. Sometimes this even affects how people will vote or what political party they align themselves with. Asha Dahya seeks to change this conversation. On this episode we discuss her recently funded docuseries “Life At All Costs: Going Beyond Pro Choice Vs. Pro Life” as well has her personal journey through and out of Evangelicalism.

About Asha Dahya:

Asha is a TV host and blogger. Indian by ethnicity, born in the UK, raised in Australia and now residing in Hollywood, Asha is a true millennial woman. She has hosted shows for Fox, MTV, MSN, Disney, Nickelodeon, TV Guide, and MySpace, and has worked behind the scenes on five seasons of “America’s Next Top Model.” Her most recent venture is the creating and overseeing the women’s empowerment news media site Asha is currently in production on Life At All Costs. You can follow the project over at


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Opening/Closing music by Candlepark Stars


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