An explanation of what happen since my last episode. I did not go deep into explaining because I want to use the details in others episodes. My writings are strictly from my personal experiences, which are true events, that have not been altered, re-worded, or twisted in any way. My thoughts are based on how I feel as well as how I evaluate my situations. I write these stories because I want to help someone else realize the signs of abuse, narcissism, addiction, certain mental health disorders, things that are just out of the norm. I am not a licensed psychologist, therapist, etc., but I do believe the best advice given are from those who have been through it, not the ones that went to school for it. My life has been nothing but trails and tribulations such as: Abuse, Addiction (doing and seeing), Teenage pregnancy, Teenage Marriage, Family Dysfunction, Trauma, Death, Mental Health, Loss of Faith, just about everything you can name. So if anyone knows, I know a little something about how to move forward in life, maybe it’ me. I still make the same mistakes, it is all a learning process, and I want everyone to be part of my process of finding my happiness and my spiritual growth. Podcast Description: This podcast is something important to me, it’s about my life. These stories are true events of the past and present. I have dealt with many trails and tribulations such as: Abuse, Addiction, Teen Pregnancy and Marriage, Family Dysfunction, Trauma, Death, Mental Health, Loss of Faith, just about everything you can name. I’m still making mistakes. It’s all a learning process, and I want everyone to be part of my process of finding my happiness and my spiritual growth. Please make sure to check out the following: Page: Group: Medium: [] Wordpress: [] Email: [email protected]


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