About Forrest Brazeal

Forrest is an enterprise cloud architect, speaker, and community advocate. Currently a senior manager at A Cloud Guru, he spent years designing applications for the cloud at Infor and Trek10. One of the original AWS Serverless Heroes, Forrest was also named one of Jefferson Frank's Top 7 Global AWS Experts in 2019. His first book, "The Read-Aloud Cloud", is coming from Wiley in September 2020.

Links Referenced

Book: https://www.amazon.com/Read-Aloud-Cloud-Innocents-Inside/dp/1119677629Cloud Irregular: https://cloudirregular.substack.com/ works. Note that this is the link behind some text that is “forrestBrazeal.com/mailinglist” which was not a working link.Twitter: https://twitter.com/forrestbrazealLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/forrestbrazeal/Personal Website: https://forrestbrazeal.com/Article “Why Central Cloud Teams Fail”: https://info.acloud.guru/resources/why-central-cloud-teams-fail-and-how-to-save-yours


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