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My name is Rob Lawless.

I’m 25 years old, originally from Norristown, now live in Philadelphia, and I enjoy meeting new people.

Three years ago, I graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Finance and minors in Accounting & Entrepreneurship. After graduation, I began my career with Deloitte Consulting as a Business Analyst in Strategy & Operations. It was my reach job at the time, but about 1.5 years into it, I pulled a Millennial move – I took a large pay cut and left the Powerpoint decks and spreadsheets for the laid back, $24 million venture-funded RJMetrics.

While at RJ, I worked as a sales rep where I cold emailed people every day asking them to hop on the phone for 30 mins to chat about our product. And my job being sales, I often received responses like these actual replies (s/o to all my reps still in the game):

“Take me off your mailing list, cockroach” “I understand that this is your job. This being said. If asking a girl out for coffee and she ignores you twice and finally says no, you do NOT ask whether this is a no just now or a now forever – and you certainly do not ask her why you are not her type” (Disclaimer: never used this strategy on girls) “Not interested (and you’re really starting to annoy me)”

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast. I'd also love it if you could leave me a review. Doing this will help more people discover the show so they to can get more done and get more out of life.

If you want to get on a podcast: email me at [email protected]


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My name is Rob Lawless.

I’m 25 years old, originally from Norristown, now live in Philadelphia, and I enjoy meeting new people.

Three years ago, I graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Finance and minors in Accounting & Entrepreneurship. After graduation, I began my career with Deloitte Consulting as a Business Analyst in Strategy & Operations. It was my reach job at the time, but about 1.5 years into it, I pulled a Millennial move – I took a large pay cut and left the Powerpoint decks and spreadsheets for the laid back, $24 million venture-funded RJMetrics.

While at RJ, I worked as a sales rep where I cold emailed people every day asking them to hop on the phone for 30 mins to chat about our product. And my job being sales, I often received responses like these actual replies (s/o to all my reps still in the game):

“Take me off your mailing list, cockroach” “I understand that this is your job. This being said. If asking a girl out for coffee and she ignores you twice and finally says no, you do NOT ask whether this is a no just now or a now forever – and you certainly do not ask her why you are not her type” (Disclaimer: never used this strategy on girls) “Not interested (and you’re really starting to annoy me)”

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast. I'd also love it if you could leave me a review. Doing this will help more people discover the show so they to can get more done and get more out of life.

If you want to get on a podcast: email me at [email protected]


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